Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kebaikan di sebalik telor kuning

This's from http://annna.net/the-truth-about-egg-yolks/
Tq for your information..

Anna's Stories:

I eat at least 2 eggs every morning (minus Saturday and Sunday) before leaving for work. My mum would make them and eat them before going to work too.

Few months back, Angel forwarded to me an article which I WANT to share with everyone. I am happy I am forced to eat 2 eggs every morning after reading the article.

“Many people throw away the egg yolk because they think that’s where all the nasty fat and cholesterol is. This is a perfect example of how confused most people are about nutrition.

In a world full of misinformation, somehow most people now mistakenly think that the egg yolk is the worst part of the egg, when in fact, the YOLK IS THE HEALTHIEST PART OF THE EGG!

By throwing out the yolk and only eating egg whites, you’re essentially throwing out the most nutrient dense, antioxidant-rich, vitamin and mineral loaded portion of the egg. The yolks contain so many B-vitamins, trace minerals, vitamin A, folate, choline, lutein, and other powerful nutrients…. it’s not even worth trying to list them all.

In fact, the egg whites are almost devoid of nutrition compared to the yolk. Even the protein in egg whites isn’t as powerful without the yolks to balance out the amino acid profile and make the protein more bio-available. Not to even mention that the egg yolks from free range chickens are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Yolks contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg. In addition, the yolks contain all of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well as all of the essential fatty acids.

And now the common objection I get all the time when I say that the yolks are the most nutritious part of the egg…’But I heard that whole eggs will skyrocket my cholesterol through the roof .’ No, this is FALSE!

First of all, when you eat a food that contains a high amount of dietary cholesterol such as eggs, your body down-regulates it’s internal production of cholesterol to balance things out. On the other hand, if you don’t eat enough cholesterol, your body simply produces more since cholesterol has tons of important functions in the body.

And here’s where it gets even more interesting…There are indications that eating whole eggs actually raises your good HDL cholesterol to a higher degree than LDL cholesterol, thereby improving your overall cholesterol ratio and blood chemistry.
And 3rd… high cholesterol is NOT a disease! Heart disease is a disease…but high cholesterol is NOT.

You can read the following article about why trying to attack cholesterol is a mistake, and what the REAL deadly risk factors actually are…

So I hope we’ve established that whole eggs are not some evil food that will wreck your body… instead whole eggs are FAR superior to egg whites.

Also, your normal supermarket eggs coming from mass factory farming just don’t compare nutritionally with organic free range eggs from healthy chickens that are allowed to roam freely and eat a more natural diet.

I recently compared eggs I bought at the grocery store with a batch of eggs I got at a farm stand where the chickens were free roaming and healthy. Most people don’t realize that there’s a major difference because they’ve never bought real eggs from healthy chickens… The eggs from the grocery store had pale yellow yolks. On the other hand, the healthier free range eggs had deep orange colored yolks indicating much higher nutrition levels and carotenoids.

So next time a health or fitness professional tells you that egg whites are superior, you can quietly ignore their advice knowing that you understand the REAL deal about egg yolks.

One more thing about eggs… I read a study recently that compared groups of people that ate egg breakfasts vs groups of people that ate cereal or bagel based breakfasts. The results of the study showed that the egg eaters lost or maintained a healthier bodyweight, while the cereal/bagel eaters gained weight.

It was hypothesized that the egg eaters actually ate less calories during the remainder of the day because their appetite was more satisfied compared to the cereal/bagel eaters who would have been more prone to wild blood sugar swings and food cravings.”

So, what do you think about egg yolks now?

-Kampung Chicken Egg’s yolk are more more orange than the normal chicken eggs-

My mum always buy Kampung Chicken Eggs @ Village Chicken Eggs as they are the healthiest and most expensive eggs in town. Today, they are selling RM0.60 for each in the market. You can also get them at Ta Kiong at RM6.20 for 10 eggs. Another alternative healthy eggs are the Omega something eggs which can be found at Ta Kiong too at RM5.70 for 10.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SMS Nakal

kalo aku tangkai ko daunnye,
kalo aku aur ko tebingnye,
kalo aku kumbang ko bungenye,
kalo aku langit ko buminye,
& kalo aku tarzan ko le beruknye..

ibu kenapa semua kambing ada bulu
dan kenapa bau kita busuk.
katak pisang katak puru,
adakah katak & pisang sepupu?
jangan perasan atau terharu,
bukan nak ucap kata rindu,
cuma nak ucap selamat malam to U.
kpd penerima sms ini,
sila laporkan diri segera
ke hospital bahagia dengan tenang….
fulau fandan nyawuh ngenengah,
ngunung naik nenyemang ningnga,
anyur madan ningamung nanah,
muni yang maik ningenang nyua..
kesiannya awak..sengau ...
Kalau dapat bini muda-nampak BABY DOLL.
Kalau dapat bini sederhana muda pula-nampak BARBIE DOLL.
Tapi bila dapat bini tua-nampak PANADOL !!
kalau kita letak monyet kt depan awak nnt org panggil…
Monyet awak…
kalau kita letak monyet kt belakang awak nnt org panggil AWAK MONYET!!
jika mentari datang memancar terik, biar aku menjadi payung mu,
jika ribut datang melanda, biar aku menjadi pelindung mu,
jika banjir datang mencurah, biar aku menjadi sampan mu,
jika ceti datang meminta hutang, biar aku lari dahulu…
Aku menjeling padamu,
kau lantas tertunduk malu.
Aku tatap wajahmu tatkala kau mengangkat malu muka.
Lalu aku pun berkata…..”KAU KENTUT iye?!”
Bila kita cantik tak siapa memandang,
bila kita baik tak siapa memuji,
bila kita susah tak siapa menolong,
bila kita jatuh tak siapa mengangkat,
bila kita kentut semua mata memandang kita...
masa bercinta marah pun manis….
baru kawin, lglah manis….
dpt anak pengalaman manis…
bila tua dpt KENCING MANIS
AnGkAT tgN!
inI RoMPaKan!
yG lAwA ke SeBelAh KIri!
yg WaJaHnYa hoDoH ke TeNgaH.
AWak! yE AwK jgn pUrA² bAce SMS!.
cEpAt Ke TeNGah !!
Ingatlah..jika dimarah kamu DIAM..
jika difitnah kamu SENYUM..
jika dikeji kamu KETAWA..
Nescaya dgn berbuat demikian,
kamu tergolong orang2 yang SOUND TROUBLE
Kalau ada yg kata kamu jelek,sabar je.
Kalau ada yg kata kamu bodoh,biarkan je
kalau ada yg kata kamu dungu,Cool je.
Tp kalau ada yg kata lu cantik/hensem,
Tampar je krn itu FITNAH!
HP anda telah dilengkapi puzzle game. Caranya mudah saja.
Lemparkan HP anda ke dinding @ susunkan kembali.
Selamat Mencuba!
Gigi kau sejuk ke??……

Tak?? Abis tu kenapa pakai jaket kaler kuning???
mosi-mosi watasi muru ano latino uno muotu numeru ano sayonara des numeru taiano…..

(Kalau tak paham kenapa baca jugak!!??)
kau sungguh dinamis,
sifatmu cukup puitis,
gayamu selalu erotis,
jiwamu sungguh romantis,
caramu seperti celebrities,
tapi sayang wajahmu seperti teletubbies…
aku bencikan penipuan!
o dalam diam ko menipu!
dgr ape yg ku kate berikan tumpuan
adekah ko dan katak sepupu?
sebut betul betul..
rambutan, nangsat, tmemikai,keladri,nyaynok..
bersabarlah.. tiada siapa yang mahu dilahirkan sengau seperti kamu!!!

selamat berhibur..huhuhu :-)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Penjelasan beberapa perkara sbg bahan Ilmiah

ceramah oleh ustaz alauddin
catatan abdul hadi

9 rabiulawal dan 12.. 12 paling mashur
dilahirkan Baginda pada hari isnin
nabi sambut dgn berpuasa pada hari ini..
kerana jgk hari ini diangkat jg rasul
diturunkan juga al-Quran
puasa nabi ini atas ingin menunjukkan kesyukuran Baginda kepada Allah

Tahun gajah
55 bulan sebelum kelahiran nabi telah berlaku serangan abrahah ke atas kota mekah
ingin hancurkan kaabah tapi Allah Maha berkuasa
dimusnahkan Abrahah dgn serang batu sijjil oleh burung ababil
maka mati bagai daun dimakan ulat dr kepala hingga duburnya

Pendapat Wahabi sambut maulud ini bidah
tapi nabi sambut
biadah kerana sambut dgn lelaki perempuan bercampuran bergaul bebas
Sambutan maulud ni telah pun berlaku selepas 500 hijriah
Puak Syiah buat sambutan bukan saja ke atas nabi SAW
malah ke atas Ali, Fatimah, Hasan dan Husin..
Tapi takdir Allah amalan ini dianjur oleh Puak Sunnah

dikatakannya University Al-Azhar dulunya ditubuhkan oleh puak wahabi
dengan tujuan meluaskan fahamannya tetapi
dengan takdir Allah Al-Azhar menjadi tempat sebaran Ilmu fahaman sunnah

Kenapa talqin itu bidah..
talqin itu bermaksud mengajar org yg bernazak itu mengucap syahadah
dan bukan di bawa hingga ke kubur selepas dikebumikan jenazah itu
org yg dah mati memang tak boleh diajar tetapi
nabi berpesan selepas kuburkan jenazah adalah baiknya duduk seketika dan berdoakan
agar jenazah itu sejahtera di alam barzakh
ia dinamakan sebagai tasbit tapi org melayu menamakanya juga sebagai talqin
jadi berlaku kekeliruan dlm bangsa melayu sehingga membidah sesama sendiri..

begitu juga fahaman wahabi tentang tiada doa selepas solat
hal ini berlaku kerana berlaku perselisihan pendapat terhadap makna dari hadis
"ad dua ba'da duburi kulli solah"
dubur bukan bermaksud dubur tapi bemaksud hujung
puak wahabi menafsirkannya sebagai sebelum salam itu ada doa
tetapi sunnah menafsirkan selepas salam
adakan dengan perselisihan ini jugak ada yg ingin membidah sesama sendiri

fikirlah "perselishan itu adalah rahmat dari Allah"
janganlah membuat sebarang tuduhan membuta tuli
sekiranya kita ingin memberi nasihat, lakukanlah dengan cara yg berhikmah..
wallahu a'lam